Jack Rand

Strategic Business Coach, Author, Speaker

For over 30 years, Jack has developed transformational selling systems for coaches and self-employed service providers that have generated millions of dollars in new revenue and thousands of new customers for his clients. 

His Programs are interactive, hands-on experiences that lead you step-by-step through each process to achieve the results you really want. 

The Online Programs include: 

Formal Education: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Speech Communications and graduate level Project Management courses.

Awards: Tops in Sales and MVP at Hewlett-Packard, a Fortune 100 company.

Speaking Style: Jack engages the audience and invites them to discover how to be more effective and results orientated. He's comfortable being transparent, vulnerable, authentic and encourages his audience to be the same. His straightforward quick-witted approach allows the participants to hear and use the message.

Speaking Topics:

     The Top 3 Reasons You Suck at Networking

Let's chat over a virtual cup of coffee...

What Others Are Saying...

"Jack Rand is a real deal coach. He has a method, a program, and a heart to help businesses move forward to their future.

Jack has been invaluable to us in starting our business and non- profit. His programs kept us on track and his referrals to those who could also help us has been consistent. He is sincerely interested in what you do and in helping you get to where you are going.

We highly recommend Jack as a business coach. Like anything else you get in life it is what you put into it that counts. When you work with Jack you get a great return on your investment."

Tim and Brownie Richardson
Founders/Directors of Hope Advanced

"I met Jack at a networking event. We spoke briefly and exchanged cards. Later that same week we made plans to get together over coffee and learn about each other's businesses.

Jack seemed well connected, professional and respectful of my time. We met at Starbucks about a week later; up until that point I had no intention of working with Jack or any business coach, but I felt Jack really understood my business and was very forthcoming about helping me during our coffee meeting. 

We met one more time before I signed up with him, and within 90 days our growth in income was paying for Jack's monthly fee and we more than doubled our volume as a company that year under Jack's Personal Results System.

I feel that anyone who is honest and willing to work hard and take suggestions could benefit from the coaching Jack provides. I recommend his services highly!"

Tyler Gehauf
Vice President
Integrated Pest Management

PS We wouldn't have a business without Jack.